When Jimmy's kicked out of school and desparate to survive his alcoholic Mom, Uncle Frank is ready to help him in make a living.....this is the story of how Jimmy became 'The Fence'.
Live Jimmy's story. Help Jimmy survive the Bronx trading stolen goods.
​In this trading crime RPG, live Jimmy's story as he learns the habits of the shadier characters in his part of the Bronx.
Learn the routines and habits of the various characters to trade the stolen goods availble to yry and keep Jimmy and his Mom afloat.
Complete missions for vaious rewards and collect stolen goods sets.
Gain the skills of a Master Fence.
​Grow Jimmy's skills to better identify the value of the hot goods floating around the Bronx to make a tidy profit.
Learn the art of cleaning up goods to keep the heat off your back and money in your pocket.
Determine the preferences of the characters in the area to turn the most profit.
Grow your reputation. On the street - Rep counts!
Work carefully to gain favour with the Bloods or the Irish Mafia (or maybe even both).
Improving your Notoriety and reputation with the gangs will influence the goods you can trade and profit you can make .